

A new Dual-Mode #energy #saving lamp for my home [PIC]

Now that is effective. The 0.3W is just enough for the little entrance area not to walk into something. If you need more light just turn off, wait 4 secs turn on and enjoy 8W (40W) bright light. To switching back to the Dual-LED night light, turn off and on again within 2 seconds and enjoy your energy bill. 

Osram DULED - Dual LED / Energy Saving Bulb
Left: LED-Mode 0.3W | Right: Energy Saving Bulb Mode 8W (like 40W)

What do you need more?

Harddisk, Buddha and a non-alcoholic beer at the computer. It's something I enjoy. And I can still type after consuming a couple. More or less :)


Haircut, shower and then for the anime !

Someday I'll tell you what that means :)
Today I'm watching "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya". I hope the universe will survive this...

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Japanese DVD...Image via Wikipedia

Google hates me.

Every time something new comes from Google, I'll get it apparently last. *sigh* New Google-Bar want...

Learned: Behave yourself on social networks...

...or you gonna lose followers.
But I don't have a glue how to express your opinion, if it's strong, without getting involved in this kind of crap.


Early bird catches the worm...

or a visit at the doctor. I'm just accompanying someone. At least I could read some pages of an interesting book while waiting. "Nerd Attack!". Fun. I love the Commodore 64. I think I will write an extensive article in my blog, soon.

Commodore 64 computer (1982). Post processing:...Image via Wikipedia


Coffee, Soy Cappucino & green tea

And I'm slowly getting ready for the netcasts today, after playing CityVille.
I hope I can keep my stress level low with all that caffeine or I'll scream in the microphone again :)