

The Friday Cat

I love Laptop-cases


Now #geocaching in this nice area.

With the great success of the LHC today in mind. Wow.
My Location@14:20,7/4 In der Neckarhelle 172, 69118 Heidelberg http://m.google.de/u/m/QKHnAc

#higgs boson likely to be found!

Looks like the #lhc team at #cern did it. It's likely to be the #higgs boson. Awesome. Possibly the greatest discovery of our time.


After Galaxy Nexus Ban #boycottapple trending for the 2nd day.

Apple made one PR disaster after another. This is the worst. Finally now everyone what kind of company Apple is.
Trending for 2 days on Google+ and also trended at Twitter yesterday.

Are you scared, Apple? Wait until the Androids are really getting mad.


Netcasts done... Now for the bi-weekly free playlist.

If Jamendo will ever work again correctly.
Sorry folks, I can't do playlists because Jamendo is wrong in so many thing at the moment. *sigh*

"The zoo is a place for animals to study ...
Image by turtlemom4bacon via Flickr