

#geocaching now. Lost place.

I love those caches.
Now for a nice round near a shut down nuclear plant.


Now I know Doctor Who

Learned everything I need to know about Doctor Who in 6 minutes from this video:

And now I'm going through Wikipedia to learn some more for my first time watching a Doctor Who episode this evening knowingly.
Really, no joke. It's interesting and I wonder if I ever can watch all episodes from Doctor Who. Where can I get them? Are they available on the Web legally somehow outside the UK?

Stay vegan in GTA IV

I'm about to play GTA IV now for the rest of the day :)
And on a note, yes, I stay vegan even in this video game. You can buy nuts instead of hot dogs to fill up energy and drink "Sprunk", too. So yes, it let those hot dog dealers eat their own stuff. And maybe my car crashes into them in the game... I'm so bad ;)

Time for a Benjamin Franklin quote

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin  (January 17, 1706 – April 17, 1790), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.
Benjamin Franklin 1767
Benjamin Franklin 1767 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I think some should think about this.


Replacement for Miso

I'm about to replace MISO with another app to check in to seriesand movies.
I need to share these to Google+.
Anyone knows an that check in natively to Google+?


Listening to Serebro - Ne Vremya

What an awesome song. Can't listen enough to that.


Cats of Japan Part II - GInza

Another Japanese cat.
So peaceful at one of the most crowded places in Japan. The Ginza.
Nothing can stop a cat from a nap ;)

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