

New equipment arrived

Finally a new TV set. Went for a Samsung 6470 55 inch screen.
And to get most use out of it, I also got a PS4.

Now playing GTA V for the PS4. Great. Nobody seems to recognize the many cats in the next gen version of the game that stray around Los Santos. Nice :-)


Today's quick breakfast

Vegan orange juice, oatmeal with soy milk and stevia, and small dark bread with vegan cheese.

After that an organic green tea for the headstart :-)

When I look at that myself, I'm wondering how this has become normal. Organic green tea e.g. Without even thinking about it, organic food became a part of my normal intake.
Vegan is in purpose. Some time ago I served people this stuff, didn't think about it, and they ate it without knowing it was vegan stuff. They didn't complain. Good. :-)


Got my new Pebble today

It was replaced. My old Pebble had these massive display problems. I hope this one works correctly. I really like the Pebble. Testing intensively now.

Update 2015-02-12: After testing it for exactly one month now, the error never happened again with the replacement. So indeed, it really can be a hardware problem or a combination of software and hardware. +Markus Weidner , you should consider to let yours replaced, too.