

Nintendo switch is too expensive for a rushed buy

Sad, but I don't see spending so much money for the Nintendo Switch right now. It's way too expensive in comparison with the competition, or just by itself.

I think I'll wait until the price goes down. I have more games to play than I have time on my hand, mobile (Android tablet and smartphone) is king at mobile gaming, and PS4 is king of my living room.
But I really want to justify the buy of the Nintendo switch: Mario Odyssey will be fantastic, and there are some nice possibilities that smartphones simply don't have at that level. Plus the cartridge system is a great thing. Back to cartridges? Yes! That's perfect. The games will last forever, robust, you can carry all your games in a small bag. The cartridges are smaller than the ones for the Nintendo DS3. Awesome.

But yes, the price, without a game, is not okay. Not spec-wise and not game-wise. So, I'll wait for a big price-drop or a big bundle. That price with 2 Games and the Pro Controller and I'm in.