Today I set everything ready for the switch away from Telefonica.
Yesterday again my experience were horrible in terms of network accessibility. I had no chance to get enough data flow to use any app. Furthermore the network totally close down on me not even allowing me to make a call. We were on the way to a Pokémon tour, and in five hours we were barely able to use Pokémon Go for about twenty minutes. Abd that with Full reception and best network coverage, because there are so many people around there was no free capacity. We experienced this now for the third time and this is not accessible.
So Switch Network providers and learn the lesson that good Office world nothing if the carrier don't have the capacity on their network.
Telefonica formerly known as O2 bought E-Plus, but apparently reduced the number of cell towers after acquiring the company. So while the coverage is good, the data network goes down if there are people around who are using the same network.
If you don't have the capacity to serve the customer's don't sell your product.
Yesterday again my experience were horrible in terms of network accessibility. I had no chance to get enough data flow to use any app. Furthermore the network totally close down on me not even allowing me to make a call. We were on the way to a Pokémon tour, and in five hours we were barely able to use Pokémon Go for about twenty minutes. Abd that with Full reception and best network coverage, because there are so many people around there was no free capacity. We experienced this now for the third time and this is not accessible.
So Switch Network providers and learn the lesson that good Office world nothing if the carrier don't have the capacity on their network.
Telefonica formerly known as O2 bought E-Plus, but apparently reduced the number of cell towers after acquiring the company. So while the coverage is good, the data network goes down if there are people around who are using the same network.
If you don't have the capacity to serve the customer's don't sell your product.